After school SOLC 3-16-16

I walked outside right as a gust of wind nearly blew me over. It was after school and I was walking with my friend Autumn by my side being her funny self. She started to walk backwards so the wind would blow her hair back like in a dramatic movie, I laughed at how funny she was. We kept on walking foward, wind blowing, hair in our faces constantly, and we continue to do weird things making eachother laugh probably looking like freaks to the people riding peacefully in cars. I looked back and I saw my other friend Mya running towards us. She met up with us and we walked laughing at eachother on the way. I love my friends, they are all so amazing, and funny, and kind, and so much more, and they mean the world to me.

2 thoughts on “After school SOLC 3-16-16

  1. I love this captured moment! It seems so innocent and fun, just a fun time with friends. Its almost peaceful, even with all the wind. Wind was a major problem on my walk home too, I had to lean forward to even move! I’m glad you chose to write about this moment, when the chaotic weather was made fun.

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